Integrating Dapper with Entity Framework Core

Overcoming limitations or performance bottlenecks by executing raw SQL with Dapper

Nowadays it is extremely rare to implement an application without using any sort of library for Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) to reduce development time by removing the need to implement a lot of boilerplate code to access a database. In the .NET world that usually means using Entity Framework Core or NHibernate both offering strong tooling for CRUD operations, data type conversions, strong typed queries using LINQ with IQueryable and so on.

Despite the pros of using an ORM there are also some cons that, while may not prevent them to be widely used inside an application, they may need to be replaced in some areas either for performance reasons or limitations. This usually means working directly with ADO.NET (oh hell no!) or use Micro ORM libraries, like Dapper, that are focused on performance and providing a simpler way to map database queries into objects.

In this article I’m going to demonstrate how Dapper can easily be integrated with Entity Framework Core (and probably with any other ORM) without using TransactionScope, while trying to keep the same contracts via extension methods to DbContext instances and ensuring the SQL is properly logged in a similar way to what EF Core usually does.

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Auditing with Mediator Pipelines in ASP.NET Core

Audit commands and store events with transversal behavior

When implementing a web application, it can be a good idea to enforce some kind of auditing to all of your client interactions, either to track their behavior over time, to ensure any security breach will be properly logged, or just to help analyze system bugs.

Previously we talked about using the mediator pattern to implement the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing (ES) and how pipelines could be used to implement transversal behavior to your application.

Since commands are responsible to mutate the system state, in this article I’m going to demonstrate how you could implement an audit pipeline to ensure all commands will be stored into a table. Because a variable number of events can be broadcasted when the state changes, the pipeline will also store them into another table and with a reference to the command, ensuring any correlation can be analyzed.

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Transaction Management With Mediator Pipelines in ASP.NET Core

Manage Entity Framework Core transactions when handling commands

When implementing a simplified CQRS service, which usually has a single database but still separates commands from queries, the mediator pipeline can be used to manage transactions when processing commands, ensuring changes will be implicitly committed unless an exception is thrown.

Implementing a pipeline for transactions has some key advantages even when using Entity Framework Core or other ORM that tracks and flushes changes at a single point in time.

Because the command handler is executing inside an implicit transaction, the developer is free to flush their changes as it sees fit knowing that any exception will rollback the changes. This is very helpful when it wants to cancel the flow when some business rules aren’t meet and could only be checked after changing the system state. Optimistic concurrency is a good example where you may want to flush your changes before leaving the handler so you know exactly what entity failed and can send a more detailed message to the user, which is the usual approach when implementing a dedicated Backend for Frontend service.

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Validation with Mediator Pipelines in ASP.NET Core Applications

Validate commands, events or queries with transversal behavior

When implementing web applications that manipulate information, there is always the need to validate data sent by the clients, ensuring business rules are properly implemented.

Previously I talked about the implementation of Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing (ES) using a mediator pattern and how to support transversal behavior via pipelines.

In this article I’m going to demonstrate how validation can be enforced into your commands and events before reaching the handlers, making sure that invalid data will be rejected by the API.

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Using Mediator Pipelines in ASP.NET Core Applications

Intercept commands, queries and events to apply transversal behavior

In my previous article I explained how you could implement Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing (ES) patterns using a mediator instance from SimpleSoft.Mediator in ASP.NET Core applications.

This time I’m going to explain how to intercept commands, queries and events, making it possible to apply transversal behavior before they reach the handlers, reducing significantly the amount of boilerplate and duplicated code.

Transaction management, logging, auditing, caching or validations are some of the good examples where pipelines can be very helpful. Imagine the following chains:

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